US INDOEX Instruments: Priority, Description, Calibration and Performance

A. Clarke, J. Coakley, W. Conant, R. Dickerson, A. Heysmfield, J. Lobert, D. Lubin, J.
Prospero, V. Ramanathan, D. Savoie, F. Valero, A. Vogelmann


Instrument Prioritization Tables

Direct and Indirect Aerosol Effect: Scientific Issues Addressed by the Various Instruments

Airborne Aerosol Instruments

Airborne Microphysics (and Aerosol) Instruments

Airborne Radiometric Measuring System (RAMS)

Shipborne Aerosol and Chemsitry Instruments

Groundbased Aerosol, Radiation and Trace Gases Instruments
Long-term Aerosol Instruments

Long-term Broadband Solar Instruments

Long-term UV and Visible Irradiation Instruments

Long-term Trace Gases Instruments

Intensive Field Phase Aerosol and Trace Gases Instruments

Satellite Receiver

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